
Rules and policies



The following three documents contain Mountain Creek State High School rules and procedures:

General policies


Parents are always welcome to discuss student concerns or other school matters with staff at the school.

Please note that it is important to make an appointment with the staff member concerned. Walk-in appointments cannot occur due to staff commitments to teaching.

Appointment can be organised as follows:

Please note: You will be contacted by the staff member within a reasonable time to organise an appropriate time for an appointment.


Contact protocols for contacting staff

Classroom teacher for all queries relating to:

  • classroom/subject matters such as assessment.
  • teaching and learning.
  • issues your student is having with managing the curriculum.

Head of Year for all queries relating to pastoral care e.g.:

  • health
  • exemptions
  • Student services referrals
  • absences
  • career advice

Head of Department/Faculty

For all queries relating to curriculum matters, that cannot (in the first instance) be resolved by the classroom teacher.

**Appointments with administration will only be booked after consultation with the relevant staff as outlined above.

Complaints management process

From time to time you may have concerns about your student at school or the operations of our school. These concerns may grow into bigger issues if you don’t talk to our school staff about them.

Education Queensland is committed to ensuring that all parents have their concerns dealt with in a fair and equitable manner and we have processes and support structures in place to enable parents to work through any issues you may have.

It is in the best interests of everybody to resolve issues at school if it is at all possible. Concerns should be raised initially with the teacher involved or the head of sub-school. If it can’t be resolved or there are still concerns, the issue should be raised with a head of junior secondary or senior school, deputy principal or the principal.

While it is parents’ prerogative to contact Sunshine Coast North regional office if dissatisfied, in most cases the issue will be referred back to the school so that every effort can be made to reach a resolution here. Thus, it is better to work together and endeavour to resolve issues here using the processes available.

Further information regarding the complaints management process can be found here:  Complaints Management Process.

Student transferring from school procedure

For those students leaving or wishing to transfer to another school are required to hand in all text/library books to the resource centre. A student clearance form can be obtained from the school office for this purpose. Before a transfer form will be given all outstanding financial debts are to be finalised. You will not be able to enrol into another Queensland State High School without this transfer form.

Absentee information

If a student is absent from school, the parent/guardian should telephone the respective absentee line, prior to commencement of the student's school day. The absentee lines are open 24 hours a day.

Leave a message on the answering machine (please wait until after the beeps) stating the date of the absence, your child's name, form class and reason for absence.

Unexplained absences are followed up on a daily basis. Students with unexplained absences will be given a lunchtime detention on the following day, at which time they must produce a note from their parent/guardian, explaining the reason for the absence. This note, signed by the teacher, is then handed to the relevant sub school/office so that absentee record can be updated.

Personal information

Changes to personal details, such as address, phone number etc. are to be advised immediately, by completing a "Change of Details" form available at the main office or sub school office.

All students are to carefully label all equipment and belongings with their name. No student should bring valuable equipment items to school. Small sums of money for tuckshop etc. should be carried with you and not left in school bags.

Messages and telephone calls

As the school does not have a public telephone, students will only be permitted to make calls from the office and/or sub-schools on an urgent basis (this does not include leaving assignments at home etc.) at the cost of 40 cents per phone call. We encourage you to arrange with Telstra to have a home link number enabling you to make a call and have the cost debited to your home telephone account. We also request that parents who need to leave urgent/emergent messages for you are asked to telephone your sub-school direct with the message. Parents are to make prior arrangements with you on those days when it may be raining, change of after school arrangements or alternative transportation is to be made. Students should not have mobile phones at school.

Sick bay policy

Students are referred to sick bay via their current class teacher. Parents will be telephoned as soon as possible for the collection of a sick child. All students are covered by Queensland Ambulance whilst on the school premises and/or off site, in an official school capacity such as an excursion. In the event of an emergency an ambulance will be called for appropriate attention. Emergency contact telephone information must be kept current with the school. Please advise the school of change in details and any relevant important medical details.

Uniform procedures

Students are expected to attend school and lessons in the school uniform as determined by the P&C Association and described in the prospectus. Where unable to do so, it is the student’s responsibility to comply with the following procedures:

  • Provide a note from home explaining the variation to uniform and period for which this condition will exist;

  • Report to the year level sub-school before the commencement of the first lesson of the day for a uniform or, where the particular item is unavailable, obtain a uniform exemption slip. The exchanged item will be retained at the sub school/office until the end of the school day, when the borrowed uniform item is returned.

  • If no substitute item is available, carry the uniform slip for the period of the exemption and produce it at the commencement of each lesson and as otherwise requested.

If all the above procedures are followed by the student, then no other action is necessary.

Student Diversity Policy

Student Diversity Policy

No note

Students who attend school without a note will be given a detention the following day for failing to follow school procedure. They must produce a note when they attend for detention.

After the school day commences

If a student attends class out of uniform, the student should be able to produce a uniform slip that describes the exemption and time period for which the exemption exists.

If the student is unable to produce a uniform slip that correctly identifies the variation, teachers will issue the student with an in-class uniform slip.

The student will be required to attend a lunch time detention for not following required protocols for being out of uniform. If the student persistently refuses to attend the detention, suspension or cancellation of enrolment will result for persistently and wilfully refusing to follow school procedures.

School newsletter

The school's newsletter is regularly distributed to families electronically via email. Please contact the school to update your contact details. Copies of newsletters can be found on the school website. Hard copies are also available from our administration office.


Homework is set every night for the subjects students had timetabled on that day, the only exception is in some practical areas. Please notify the head of department if this is not occurring.

Last reviewed 18 February 2025
Last updated 18 February 2025