
Student resource scheme


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Mountain Creek State High School operates a Student Resource Scheme (SRS) for Years 7 to 12 to:  

  • ​Minimise the costs to parents/carers of providing textbooks and other learning resources for their child/ren, by securing discounts, through early payment and bulk ordering.

  • ​Ensure that an adequate bank of resources is available to guarantee a good quality education for all students.  
This is a service offered by this school and is something that neither the school nor the Executive Principal is required to do.  There are many schools that do not offer such a service and parents/carers are required to carry the full cost of purchasing all learning materials.

The SRS is organised by the school, but overseen by the school Finance Committee and has the support of the Parents' and Citizens' Association. The Finance Committee is chaired by the Executive Principal and has parent and teacher representatives.

The scheme is a co-operative fund generated by the funds received from parents/carers. Through P & C endorsement, a textbook & resources allowance is received by the school for Year 7 - 10 students of $155 and for Years 11 - 12 students of $337.  An additional $315 per student, in Years 7 to 9 and $375 per student in Years 10 to 12 is charged to parents/carers who wish to participate in the scheme. 

  • The scheme does not provide any funds for the Parents' and Citizens' Association, is entirely voluntary and parents/carers are under no obligation to join. 
  • The SRS operates under the policies and guidelines of the Department of Education.  A parent who does not wish to join the scheme is responsible for providing the student with the items that would otherwise have been provided to the student by the scheme as detailed on the year level subject requirements list, to enable the student to engage with the curriculum.  
  • Parents wishing to take advantage of the services provided by the SRS sign the relevant form agreeing to the conditions therein upon enrolment and then pay the annual SRS participation fee. The SRS provides the entire package for the specified participation fee and is not available in part. ​

Benefits of joi​ning the SRS  

In addition to the textbook and resource allowance, parents/carers wishing to take advantage of joining the SRS pay an annual fee (in 2023 this fee will be $375 for Years 10, 11 & 12 and $315 for Years 7, 8 & 9) and receive all services, materials and consumables not defined as instruction, administration and facilities for the education of the student at the school which include: 

  • Hire of all prescribed textbooks/e-books for subjects, where applicable.  
  • Reproduced class materials which complement and/or substitute for textbooks.
  • Student reference material through the resource centre (e.g. books; audio/DVD's; Clickview, Oliver, Reading Eggs).  
  • Other student reference materials including e-learning resources and access to web site subscriptions (which would be costly if paid for on an individual basis but as a bulk registration through the school SRS the cost per student is reduced significantly):
  • Access to on-line learning platforms including Moodle and Education Perfect.  
  • Student journal. 
  • Additional computer software purchased for use in class. 
  • Photocopy costs (classroom materials and workbooks).  
  • Minor equipment and consumable materials for subjects where the instruction is extended through providing practical learning experiences in excess of materials provided by school grants. 
  • Student identification card. 

Text and Resource A​​llowance (TRA) 

The Queensland Government provides a text and resource allowance for eligible students. With the approval of their Parents' and Citizen's Association, schools may be directly provided with this allowance.  As such, Mountain Creek State High School Parents' and Citizens' Association has approved the direct payment of the TRA to our school.   

All students are eligible for the text and resource allowance, excluding:    

Students enrolled as full fee paying overseas students (FFOS). 

  • Students enrolled in a Centre for Continuing Secondary Education (CCSE). 
  • Students undertaking part time distance education from a non-state school accredited for distance education. 
  • Students enrolled after the first Friday in August.   

Any student transferring after the end of February from any Queensland secondary school (state or non-state) will be expected to carry a pro rata refund allowance from their departing school to their new school.  Mountain Creek State High School will calculate the pro rata amount and advise parents/carers of the payment amount due.

Yes, I wis​h to join the SRS  

The subsidy for a student eligible for the TRA has been taken into consideration, and as such, has reduced the total amount that parents/carers contribute to the 2023 SRS. The SRS represents excellent value and provides substantial savings to parents/carers of students in all year levels. The average cost of textbooks is approximately $65.00 each, with some costing over $100.00.  To this end, every effort has been made to contain costs to parents/carers, whilst ensuring that an adequate bank of resources is available for student use.    

Parents/carers are asked join the SRS upon enrolment.  Invoices are raised in August the prior year and should be finalised before the first day of school in 2023.  Families who join the scheme but fail to pay the full fee may be excluded from the SRS.

A parent's participation or non-participation in the scheme will continue as per their previously completed Participation Agreement Form. A parent can opt in or out of the scheme in subsequent years by completing another “Participation Agreement Form". 

Payment opt​ions

  • Bpoint is now available via:\payments\dete.  Bpoint is a secure online payment system. A customer reference number and invoice number are required for Bpoint. This information is located on the school invoice and statement and can also be obtained through QParents. 
  • Over the phone by calling 1300 631 073 (must have school invoice with CRN and invoice number).
  • Cash, cheque, EFTPOS or credit card are accepted at the student administration office Monday to Friday until 1:30pm. 
  • Direct payment of fees, via the Internet may also be established. Parents/carers are asked to contact student administration on (07) 5457 8308. 
  • Centrepay is a free direct bill paying service available to parents/carers who receive Centrelink payments, such as Family, Newstart and Abstudy.  Centrepay can make direct payments to Mountain Creek State High School to pay for school fees.  Should you wish to take advantage of this service, please contact student administration on (07) 5457 8308.    

Financial dif​ficulties

Families experiencing financial difficulties can contact the school to organise payment of the SRS fee by payment plan.  Payment plans can be arranged by either contacting (07) 5457 8308 or emailing: to request an application.   ​

An appointment can be made to see the Business Manager, Finance/Facilities to discuss any further alternative arrangements if necessary by phoning (07) 5457 8308. 

No, I do not ​​wish to join the SRS

Participation in the Student Resource Scheme is nominated on enrolment.  Should parents/carers choose not to join the SRS for 2023, please contact the school.  

A parent who does not wish to join the scheme is responsible for providing the student with the items that would otherwise have been provided to the student by the scheme as detailed on the year level requirements list and/or subject requirements list, to enable the student to engage with the curriculum.  

If eligible, the below Text and Resource Allowance (TRA) will be refunded to the parent/guardian:

  • Year 8 student:    $155
  • Year 9 student:    $155
  • Year 10 student:  $155
  • Year 11 student:  $337
  • Year 12 student:  $337

Additionally, Mountain Creek State High School will provide a comprehensive list of all textbooks and resources required to be purchased by parent/guardians, in lieu of joining the SRS (Year level subject requirements lists – link available on this page).

User pays and ​subject fees 

Subje​ct fees 

Some subjects require students to use materials to fulfil assessment requirements.  For example, in Art, students produce paintings, in Design and Technology, students design and produce a number of workshop items. These projects become the personal property of students.  The subject fee is for the costs of materials used in producing these items.

Use​r pays 

User pays are for external charges to the school, for example bus hire, admission costs, guest speakers and camp fees.  Where a third party charges the school for the activity a user pay fee is charged to the parent/guardian. User pays are to be balanced for each activity and a refund must be given if the amount calculated for the refund is over $10 per student (as per school refund policy, endorsed by the Parents' and Citizens' Association).  

Payment du​​​e dates

Student resourc​e scheme

SRS must be paid before the start of the school year. Invoices are raised in August prior to the school year.  This is a long tradition for Mountain Creek State High School as many families have indicated they prefer to pay fees over the August to December period for the following year.

Payment plans are available for those families who are not in a position to have the Student Resource Scheme paid in full from day one.  Payment plans can be negotiated weekly, fortnightly or monthly and can be spread across semester one.  Payment Plans are approved by application or appointment with the school Business Manager. 

Subject Fees

All subject fees will be invoiced in February 2022 once classes have been finalised.  Payment is welcomed before this date so the school can organise the purchase of textbooks and resources so your son/daughter is accessing these from day one.  Accounts receivable can receipt fees if parents wish to pay in advance and have a credit for fees on their account.  Once invoices are raised the credit will be off-set against these fees.  

User Pa​​​ys

User pays are invoiced throughout the year prior to each activity.  Invoices are emailed home and must be paid prior to the activity in order for the student to attend.​​

2023 school fee structure.png

Last reviewed 20 February 2024
Last updated 20 February 2024