The Finance committee endorse the financial management and related long term planning associated with, the school's budgetary process. Its role (approved by the Executive Principal) is to review the school budget and endorse the development plan as outlined in:
- the strategic development plan and
- the annual implementation plan for the school to enable the efficient achievement of outcomes.
Membership of the finance committee will be as follows:
- Executive Principal - Chair (appointed) - Brian Parr
- Deputy Principal - Deputy chair (appointed) - Andrew Stone
- Business Service Manager (appointed) - Lisa Jarvis
- P&C President (appointed) - Jason Law
- P & C Vice President (appointed) - Virginia Brooker
- P&C Treasurer (appointed) - Matt Cleverley
- P&C Secretary (appointed) - Melissa Pollack
Election of staff and P&C representatives
Elections of members will be for a 2 year cycle with nominations taken from the 2 groups. Formal voting procedures apply in the event of more than 2 nominations per 2 year cycle.