The word Kin'Ma is an Indigenous word from Kabi Kabi language meaning Knowledge.
To follow on the opportunities for those students in the Zenith program Year 7 is a high-level academic program for our students in Years 8 and 9. The Kin'Ma program is where we invite our students achieving in the highest level in their cohort for individual core subjects. For example, if a student is achieving a very high result in Maths but not in English then they may receive an invite for the Kin'Ma Maths class only and be in a mainstream class for other subjects.
Students do not need to apply for the Kin'Ma classes as they will be invited by the faculties based on their accumulative results in each core subject at Term 3, Year 7. As with the Zenith program in Year 7 the Kin'Ma classes are designed to challenge those students enrolled in them while allowing them to excel in one or more classes.